Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sea by Heidi Kling

Sea had great preview reviews, and so I pre-ordered it and went to it's fabulous launch party. I quite honestly can count the number of books I have pre-ordered on one hand. I am quite particular about spending pre-order prices. However the book sounded wonderful and the author was somewhat local. I took the plunge and pre-ordered Sea. I was not disappointed. If you have not checked out this new pearl of a YA book, I encourage you to check it out. Here is why I think it is terrific.

Sea by Heidi KlingHeidi Kling has written a poignant and thought provoking novel. This story is about Sienna who, while dealing with her own tragedy, travels to  tsunami tramatized Indonesia to assist her father at an orphanage. Through her encounters at the orphanage Sienna is faced with her past and her future as they collide in her present. This storyline was genuine, believable. It had witty lines, clearly crafted scenes, and plenty of unpredictability without feeling either contrived or haphazard. I loved this novel.

One main reason is that I love Sienna. She's not static. The experiences she came into the story clearly affected who she was, and the experiences she had in Indonesia further evolved Sienna. Sometimes when I read novels, I sometimes find myself repeatedly suspending disbelief. Sienna didn't have those moments.  I imagine going down to her beachside town and running into her living.

I am told Heidi is working on additional projects. I am eager to read more by her. After I met her at the launch, I see one reason why her charactors are full of life. She is surrounded by vitality. The book was inspired by some of her and her families real experiences and as she drew on those and crafted a story, she wove a a beautiful tale.

5 stars.

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