Miracle in Sumatra: The Story of Gutsy Gus by Jeanne McNancy and illustrated by David Cochard is poignant and inspiring. It is the story of Gus, a young Orangutan, who saves his parents from a trapper. The story brings to light both the wretched nature of animal poaching and the damaging action of deforestation in Sumatra.
The book is easily read in one sitting and geared for ages 4-8. Personally I fell in love with the illustrations and appreciated the slight whimsical nature of the font choice. This book would be an excellent addition to a primary classroom. However, it definitely requires additional conversation with the children. Poaching and Deforestation can be very scary issues. Allowing a child to dialogue about their feelings during and after the book is read could alleviate fears, increase comprehension, and inspire action. This last step is the very thing Jeanne McNancy is hoping the book with do.
Jeanne McNancy was raised in New York. She has studied Zoology, Veterinary Technology, and Behavioral Science. Currently she lives in Connecticut with her husband and three children. She has also written The Legend in Honey Hollow.
Publisher: Ovation Books
Publisher website: http://www.ovationbooks.net/
Book website: http://www.joeypublishing.com/
Category: Children’s picture book
Date of publication: October 2009
ISBN-13: 978-0-9814534-6-0
Price : 16.95 at Borders.com
I was given this book by Phenix and Phenix publicists to review.
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