Saturday, February 27, 2010

First Test

First Test By Tamora Pierce returns the reader to Tortall. I listened to the audio book. It was once again a lot of fun. Keladry is the first girl accepted into Page Training in the Kingdom of Tortall. However, She is under probation. She is in the first year to prove her worth or return to her parents home. For those who are familiar with Tamora Pierce's world, Kel has recently returned from living in the Yamani islands. Armed with her unique background and her determination, Kel begins to win over some pages, while building enemies among others. In order to avoid Spoiler's I refrain from sharing more, however I will say I love Kel's spunk and grit.

I continually enjoy reading of Tortall. This book is definately aimed towards younger readers than Terrier or Trickster's Queen. Kel was only 10 at the book's beginning, while Becca and Ali were a few years older. That definately has an impact on how the book plays out.

Speculative Fiction Challenge 2010
Fantasty Fiction Challenge 2010

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